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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happiness Quote

“Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Monday, September 19, 2011

The Italian Dish

The other day I was looking for a recipe for zucchini lasagna and ended up on a blog called “The Italian Dish”. It is so great! I’ll put in a link to her site.

Ok, here are couple of the things I’ve tried. I made a strawberry cheesecake parfait; but it ended up different from the original recipe in more than one way. I used strawberries and raspberries, added less sweetener etc. It was soooo good. I want to make something like this again. Definitely a winner, and so easy to make.

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Also, aside from some buns I made ages ago (that were stubborn about baking all the way through)--I’ve never made yeast bread. She had a whole post about this really simple method of making artisan bread. (That’s my first loaf below! :) I baked off the last of that batch today and have another batch started in the kitchen. This time I added some shredded cheddar, though.

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This blog is definitely a blessing from the Lord. I’m certainly not done having fun there! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Stopping On the Road & Picking Berries

I recently discovered that we have elderberries growing along our road!

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I wandered on our road, in and out of ditches, getting sunburned and…

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came back with little jewels! :)

I ended up making jam with the elderberries and some raspberries from our garden.

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Happy September everyone!

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Pickled Beets & Salsa

Lately I’ve been a busy little beaver canning. I’ve done most of it by myself; which is good experience. :)

Before I am all done it will probably turn into several posts at least. Who knows? Maybe I’ll can into the winter. Here are (most of :) the jars of savories!

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Pickled Beets…

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And Salsa! :)

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They’ve both been going pretty fast. They sure come in handy.

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It has it’s moments of frustration; but canning has been really satisfying. I’d never gotten involved, this much, in canning until this year. I’m glad I did! :)