I am sitting here with the dearest little red rose in front of me. I am so in love with David Austin roses. This is from one of two new bushes we put in this year(and it’s the first of the two to blossom). The other one is “Golden Celebration”.
This is “L.D. Braithewaite”. I put a cage around this ‘til it opened up, so I wouldn’t lose the little guy to a deer.
We hope to make a long bed for the roses this year. I’ve put a bit of bar-dial soap next to each bush to try and deter the deer. I plan to plant rosemary with them when we have the more permanent bed.
“This rose has the brightest crimson coloring of all the English Roses; standing out when viewed from across the garden.” say the professionals. Bring on a bushful! :)
Lovely fragrance too…